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June 18, 2005


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Those are very very cool! I think I'll swipe those pictures for future reference. ;)

Very impressive. Did Andy used to work on "The Price is Right?"

Thanks for the comments Tony. It was actually the Wheel of Fortune where I got most of my experience. They decided the contrast of the big letters would be a better fit by someone with blond hair, and frankly I wasn't willing to wear a sequin dress (or a pink shirt).

Awesome! They look REALLY nice!!

Nathan - did you know I used to work just up the street from ya in Zion ... at Zion-Benton High School ... small world eh? :-)

Jason they look awesome!

You really should get the craftsman to sell those - they look really neat.

Those look great!

These look great and very functional!! Great Job!

I'm a newbie to this blog. Sweet lookin' stations. What process did you have before these stations? What software do you have running on these stations for checkin?


Hi Ron,
Before using Fellowship One (www.fellowshiptech.com) we did child checkin by hand ... the switch has allowed us to process checkins MUCH faster and have historical data we did not have prior amoung other things.
Just do a search of my blog for "checkin" and you'll get the scoop.

How much were these?

Jason, would you guys (or your master craftsman) be willing to part with scematics for those kiosks? Can I ask you cost to build (using volunteers)? Has your master craftsman considered making them for sale?

We're doing live very shortly, and this is the piece we don't have a permanent solutions to, plus there's other church in our area needed to solve the kiosk things as well.



BTW - Cornerstone Cabinetry just launched their website.

It is at http://www.CornerstoneCabinetry.net.


I think the Kiosks looks great!

If you are planning your next generation of kiosks with Mac computers, make sure to look at http://ecrisper.com

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  • Jason Powell is the Information Technology Director at Granger Community Church. The views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of GCC ...
    or are they? Hmm???

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