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January 23, 2006


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large format printer

intel mac

Media file server.

Xbox 360

Since it's being purchased by another "unspecified" department, I think the large format printer is a very good guess. Since that's taken, I'm going with something for children's ministry: let's say it's some sort of check-in adjunct, RF or mag-card swiper or something similarly convenient. I would like Myriad Pro Condensed Bold in Pantone 302, 14pt.

intel mac was good, but it's purchased by another department... children is taken, general use items are taken, and it would look as if youth are taken, so.. we can still do general with office toys, and since no rendering of other GCC bloggers render any insight.. i'm going to go with... (something that makes me jealous possibly) something like the...

NewTek's TriCaster

I think it's a Hummer H3 complete with on-board streaming server networked to headsets, cameras and integrated laptops with universal wireless capabilities. Will have the ability to record, backup and stream live audio and video feeds to the world.

This machine will be used for "Man on the Street" video clips and for documenting the rise of the antichrist. It is bullet-proof and can withstand the blast of a small nuclear device. It rides like a luxury vehicle but can attack Everest in a heartbeat.

Am I close?

Daryl - perhaps I'll give you a "most creative answer" award :-)

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  • Jason Powell is the Information Technology Director at Granger Community Church. The views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of GCC ...
    or are they? Hmm???

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