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October 21, 2006


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Time to upgrade the software on all the computers at my church! Why have I never heard about this before? Thanks for the info.

Softchoice (www.softchoice.com) has been more helpful to me than CDW was.

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the info.

But do you think that standard church is qualified for this pricing?

I heard that all non-profit orgs 501(c)3 except churches and schools are qualified for the special pricing...

Maybe I am confused between 100% free deal vs. big discount?


Young, all 501(c)3's, including churches qualify for the Microsoft Open Charity program. The free software thing is a totally separate program.

What's really cool is the provisions for virtualization. If you purchase Windows Server Datacenter Edition, which runs about $380 per CPU with the non-profit discount, you are allowed to run unlimited virtual copies of Windows Server on the CPU's you've licensed.

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  • Jason Powell is the Information Technology Director at Granger Community Church. The views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of GCC ...
    or are they? Hmm???

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