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November 22, 2007


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Is it wrong that I'm slightly turned on by those numbers?

What Comcast package do you have, and how much does it cost a month? Our local cable company has been bought out by Comcast, and I wasn't sure what to expect come January.

Unfortunately, I live in Small Town, USA, Shinnston, WV. We don't see speed tests like that. Luckily, we have some great people who go to church here and work at Verizon, so I was able to pull off a 3 meg connection at home (768 up). At the church, we load balance two DSL connections. Cable around here is advertised at 3 meg too, but it runs between 200 k and 4 megs with/ 256k upload.

This is Comcast's PRO package ... ~$50/mo

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