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January 24, 2008


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Great Post Jason! In my short time participating in the chat room I've learned way too much, and feel more connected then my year of lurking around the blogs and the bi-monthly Talkshoes. And for the record....yes, it's addictive

I'm getting "irc.freenode.net: Terminated" when I try your instructions.

Jack - yeah, mibbit was having issues tonight :(

Thanks for this info, Jason! I think it took me longer to figure out how to connect to IRC than I actually spent in the chat last week, but it was a blast! I like your tip of just logging in and letting it run, I rarely have time to just hang with nothing going on, especially when I'm awake.

I'll be out again.

Thanks for this info, Jason! I think it took me longer to figure out how to connect to IRC than I actually spent in the chat last week, but it was a blast! Fortunately, Derek guided me through the process via twitter.

I like your tip of just logging in and letting it run, I rarely have time to just hang with nothing going on, especially when I'm awake.

I'll be out again.(sorry for the double comment, I got ahead of myself)

Here's a lot of good IRC Info** and a QuickTime Tutorial on how to install ChatZilla and then connect to CITRT IRC Channel.

** http://itdiscuss.org/index.php?t=msg&th=1243&start=0


Hi there,
Thanks for the kind words about Mibbit. I just wanted to mention you can now also link to a specific server/channel, so that the user only needs to change their nick if they want, and click [connect].


This should make it even *easier* :)

Thanks again


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  • Jason Powell is the Information Technology Director at Granger Community Church. The views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of GCC ...
    or are they? Hmm???

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