If you hadn't heard ... we have a 24/7 Church IT chat room you're invited to join. You'll find IT geeks hangin' out in there all hours of the day and into the midnight hours. It's a place to ask questions, blow off some steam, and get to know other IT peers. Last night there was a rather long discussion on HP switches and leasing strategies ... started by your's truly :-)
Setting up an IRC client might not be your cup of tea ... so here's a VERY simple way to join in the chat room via a simple website.
- Head over to www.mibbit.com
- Select the Server 'Freenode'
- Type in a Nickname you'd like to use (you might have to try a couple if the one's you want are already in use)
- Type #citrt in the channel box (citrt = church IT round table)
- Hit connect and now you're in the chat room.
That's it ... you're golden Jerry, golden. I'd maybe recommend keeping mibbit open all day and just check back through the chat threads from time to time to see if you missed anything 'good'. There are often some great after hours threads so perhaps let it run overnight and check the threads in the morning. This is just another resource to try and further resource each other. Church IT can be a lonely place, here's yet another way to connect with your peers :-)
For those wanting to use a real IRC client, Justin Moore has a great write-up on IRC tips-n-tricks
Here's what someone recently said about the chat room:
" ...In my short time participating in the chat room I've learned way
too much, and feel more connected then my year of lurking around the
blogs and the bi-monthly Talkshoes ..."
* NOTE: IRC can be addictive. This is NOT intended nor should it be a distraction from your day to day tasks!
Great Post Jason! In my short time participating in the chat room I've learned way too much, and feel more connected then my year of lurking around the blogs and the bi-monthly Talkshoes. And for the record....yes, it's addictive
Posted by: Derek | January 24, 2008 at 11:11 AM
I'm getting "irc.freenode.net: Terminated" when I try your instructions.
Posted by: Jack | January 25, 2008 at 12:03 AM
Jack - yeah, mibbit was having issues tonight :(
Posted by: Jason Powell | January 25, 2008 at 01:23 AM
Thanks for this info, Jason! I think it took me longer to figure out how to connect to IRC than I actually spent in the chat last week, but it was a blast! I like your tip of just logging in and letting it run, I rarely have time to just hang with nothing going on, especially when I'm awake.
I'll be out again.
Posted by: Jim Walton | January 25, 2008 at 02:47 PM
Thanks for this info, Jason! I think it took me longer to figure out how to connect to IRC than I actually spent in the chat last week, but it was a blast! Fortunately, Derek guided me through the process via twitter.
I like your tip of just logging in and letting it run, I rarely have time to just hang with nothing going on, especially when I'm awake.
I'll be out again.(sorry for the double comment, I got ahead of myself)
Posted by: Jim Walton | January 25, 2008 at 02:49 PM
Here's a lot of good IRC Info** and a QuickTime Tutorial on how to install ChatZilla and then connect to CITRT IRC Channel.
** http://itdiscuss.org/index.php?t=msg&th=1243&start=0
Posted by: Jeffrey Thompson | January 25, 2008 at 06:38 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for the kind words about Mibbit. I just wanted to mention you can now also link to a specific server/channel, so that the user only needs to change their nick if they want, and click [connect].
This should make it even *easier* :)
Thanks again
Posted by: axod | January 28, 2008 at 06:51 AM