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April 23, 2008


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Great testimony. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for sharing! I had heard parts of your story but not the whole thing. Thanks for allowing God to lead you. You are blessing many fellow geeks for Jesus in your role at Granger.

I can't tell you how happy I personally am that you and Kim are here! Now if Victory were to get back together all Rob's dreams would come true....

Dude...we are a better church because of you. I'm so thankful you're using your gifts for Him at GCC. I don't take a minute for granted. And, I'm proud that you keep growing. Givin' up to go up but not growing old. kewl, man. kewl.


What a cool story; I have a similiar one of God just really showing a clear light and path to something bigger and better. Isn't it cool to see? Look how he's used you to help network the local church as well...cool stuff!

Thank you so much Jason for sharing your testimony. It was very encouraging. I am in a stage of my life where I feel like I need to give more of myself, trust, and faith to God. Your life story is "proof" that when we just surrender, great things, great blessings will come out of it. Thank you. Blessings on you and your journey!

Good stuff, my friend.

Thanks for sharing Jason it was encouraging. Sometimes I forget that God IS the creator of the universe.

Congratulations on 6 years.

I know this is an old thread, but I was curious how you got into church IT and found this post. I was moved by your story and I had a similar experience that led me to nonprofit IT. It's good to know others that have had similar experiences.

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  • Jason Powell is the Information Technology Director at Granger Community Church. The views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of GCC ...
    or are they? Hmm???

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