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May 14, 2008


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Hey, it actually came out beginning of April.

I bought my Mac around Thanksgiving and knew Office 08 was coming out in January so I got iWork to tide me over instead of buying Office 04 to use for 2 months, then I found out we could get the Mac Office through HUP but little did I realize it would not be part of the HUP until April!

I almost feel dumb saying this but one of my biggest gripes with iWork during that time was the lack of clipart, heresy for a techie like me to say, but when I have a wife and 2 young daughters that are not technical and they are used to using that for school (wife is a teacher) papers and projects I can't believe a company like Apple that tries to make things easy to do left that out.

Ok, this post is getting very A.D.D but I also wanted to say I appreciated your post on your process to work for the church I have really been feeling God tug at me to head in the same direction which after about 15 yrs in the I.T. industry is both exciting and strange to think about.

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  • Jason Powell is the Information Technology Director at Granger Community Church. The views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of GCC ...
    or are they? Hmm???

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