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February 06, 2012


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Do you know if they offer this in Canada? When I try to apply for it, it has a checkbox that we have to be non-profit in the US.

Yup, we've been approved, but now I've worked with email and phone support on migrating our current Google Apps for Business to Non-Profit. It's not looking good. They both just point me to the Non-Profit Google Group to get more answers. Our issue is to migrate over, we first have to apply for Google Apps (Free), they then upgrade our account to Non-Profit then we proceed. The catch? To apply for free, you can only have 10 accounts. Well, we already have 46 in Google Apps for Business. That means, delete 36 users/email/calendar/docs/everything, wait for x number of days to be approved for non-profit on that account, then restore everything. Kind of bummed about this process and since we've just paid for another year of business (which I'm assuming will be not be refunded anyway) I'm waiting to proceed. If anyone has any info that would help, let me know please :)

Ron, I don't believe any non-US non-profit can participate.

Head up!!! Our tech guy here at our church did some more research through his connections at Google and learned that among the changes is a non-discriminatory hiring process: this would include not discriminating against other religious beliefs or homosexual lifestyle for your church's employees.

Can anyone confirm or deny this change in the policy?

Our issue is to migrate over we first have to apply for Google Apps Free they then upgrade our account to Non-Profit then we proceed. The catch? To apply for free, you can only have 10 accounts. Well we already have 46 in Google Apps for Business.

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  • Jason Powell is the Information Technology Director at Granger Community Church. The views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of GCC ...
    or are they? Hmm???

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