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April 15, 2013


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If you like the form factor of the Air but have users who are only interested in Windows you can just load Windows natively on the Air with no problem. Great hardware, the OS the user wants - and it keeps your hardware consistent too.

Just saying...

Funny timing. I've been doing some research on loading win7 onto an air :-)
Hate to give up drive space though to do the bootcamp dual boot.

The 6430u is awesome. Only thing is the gesture scrolling is upside-down (a la natural) in Win7 and can't be changed.

Some things to think about:
Apple Remote Desktop (ARD)
JAMF software's Casper
Symantec does make a Mac version
checkpoint full disk encryption (FDE)

have some other thoughts if you would like to hear them.

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  • Jason Powell is the Information Technology Director at Granger Community Church. The views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of GCC ...
    or are they? Hmm???

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